Your traditional business phone system may be costing you thousands of extra dollars every year. Limiting your efficiency and profitability in the process. This is because the traditional phone systems require regular hardware and software upgrades, as well as regular maintenance, whose costs may stack up over time. But you can make the switch to our excellent and cost-effective hosted business telephone services to avail top-notch VoIP business telephone services to all our clients. These systems make it possible to have a unified communication bundle that includes the following:
Instant messaging. Quick form of communication between your teams. And between your teams and prospective clients through our hosted chatbot services and social media platforms.
Desktop sharing. Your teams can access a particular desktop from any location. And post results or update information without necessarily having to be physically present at the PC.
Multi-platform access and mobility. You can access our VoIP telephony from any platform, including Android, iOS, Windows, and MacOS, and from any internet-enabled device. This means that you can carry our services with you wherever you go.
Hosted fax services. The good old fax just won’t go away yet, but it’s now online. You won’t need to purchase fax hardware. All you need is an app and you are set to enjoy fax services at no extra cost.
Call recording. Some calls may require a future reference, hence, need to be recorded. For example, a prospective client calling to inquire about services, or to provide feedback, needs to be recorded. So the information can be used in the future to enhance your services.
Audio/ video conferencing. Our VoIP telephony services also include the ability to hold video conferences.
Why Use Our VoIP Telephony Services
If you are still wondering why you should make the switch from traditional telephony systems to our hosted PBX services, consider the following points:
1. Easy to use
VoIP systems are simple to set up and use since they don’t require complicated hardware and software. We install the services on your devices, such as PCs and mobile phones, and you are good to go. Anyone who can use apps can use these online telephony services. So, you won’t have to worry about training your staff or spending too much time letting them learn the new system.
2. Save on telephony costs
Since transmissions are over the internet, our cloud-based telephony services will save your business up to 50% in phone bills. Your small and medium-sized business would appreciate such cost-saving ability. And can use the savings on other equally important aspects, such as marketing, to grow your profits.
3. Offer mobility and flexibility
Our innovative business telephone services offer the flexibility your teams need to work from anywhere. They allow you to make and receive calls from all over the world from your smartphone or laptop. Letting your teams work remotely and improving their productivity since all you need is an internet connection.
4. Innovative network design
We have designed our cloud network infrastructure in such a way that each of our clients enjoys autonomy, privacy, and security, through our dedicated cloud IP PBX. We ensure you have your own backup system in case the main PBX system fails due to things we cannot control. Such as natural disasters that may affect connection to the main data center.
5. Wireless fall over connection backup
EB Solution offers an independent wireless GSM connection alongside the hosted PBX services to serve as a backup should the main systems fail due to unavoidable circumstances. Remember our teams are always monitoring your VoIP systems 24/7 but unforeseen situations may occur to interfere with connectivity to the main data center. You can choose our Cisco Managed Router with wireless connectivity, or a stand-alone GSM connectivity via an external router.
“Top of the notch work.”
“EB Solution have done enough work in their space so they have invaluable experience. They are very honest and does not overcharge or oversell. They were able to keep my business system current and updated while keeping it cost-efficient.”
Samira Abdelrazik
Vendors we mainly work with
Business Telephone Services & Solutions From EB Solution
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