Cyber hygiene is doing all those things you do to stay clean for your online life. It helps you and your business stay safe against hackers and other forms of digital threats. Keeping you and your teams from becoming a victim of internet-based frauds is easier than you think. Here are some tips from IT consulting firms, Canada-based, on how to improve cyber standing in 2025.  

IT consulting firms Canada: How is Your Cyber Hygiene?

IT consulting firms Canada: How is Your Cyber Hygiene?

What is Cyber Hygiene? 

Cyber hygiene is defined as maintaining your technology free from threats. As washing hands prevents germs, good cyber practices will also protect from viruses and hackers. IT consulting firms, Canada-based, say that by practicing and making a habit of specific steps, you and your team can improve your security online.  

Why is Cyber Hygiene Important? 

Cybercriminals are extremely creative while developing means to capture personal information. Cyber hygiene helps protect your data and ensure that all your gadgets remain in optimum working condition. A lot of companies need the help of professional IT consulting firms, Canada-based, to protect their important network.  

Below are some cybersecurity steps you and your teams need to make a habit of, to ensure your network remains safe from threats. 

Create Strong Passwords 

Passwords are your first line of defense online. Make sure that they are secure. IT consulting firms, Canada-base, share how: 

Use Longer Passwords 

The longer the password the more challenging it becomes for hackers to penetrate it. A phrase as simple as “DogsLoveParksInWinter!” is good enough. 

Add Variety 

Write up to 8 characters that can be both letters from different cases, numbers, and symbols. For example: “D0gs!L0veP@rksInW1nter!” 

Avoid Reusing Passwords 

Although it may sound cumbersome, it is actually the safest way to go. Each account should be protected by separate passwords. You can use password managers to help you out with this. It can create strong passwords, save, and remember each one for you. 

Software Updates Matter 

Updating software plays a big role in preventing new attacks from occurring. Most updates are free so IT consulting firms, Canada, recommends installing updates as soon as they are released. 

Fix Security Gaps 

It updates and repairs vulnerabilities that hackers can get into and exploit. 

Improve Performance 

Updates, moreover, come frequently and often include new features and faster performance. 

Automate Updates 

Activate automatic updates to ensure that you are always securing the device. You can make regular updates more convenient by adding this option in the app settings.  

Don’t Skip Two-Factor Authentication 

This works best with having a good password. It adds another layer of protection to your system. Two-factor authentication (2FA) works by asking and confirming user identity through a second means. It can be through text message, email, or an authenticator app. 

How It Works 

2FA is a step verification for you that is such as a password along with a code. 

Why It’s Effective 

Even if someone is using your password, he or she cannot get access to your account as the 2FA is active. 

Where to Enable It 

Enable 2FA in all banking apps, emails, and social media accounts. 

Staying Safe on Public Wi-Fi 

Everyone should be careful when using public Wi-Fi. IT consulting firms, Canada, warns that someone can quickly tap your line through it. This is because you share the connection with everyone else in the vicinity. So how do you keep safe when connecting to a public Wi-Fi? 

Use a VPN 

The function of a VPN is to secure the connection. It masks your information from prying eyes such that instead of your details, it shows a different IP address instead. 

Avoid Sensitive Transactions 

Similarly, never do your financial business like shopping or banking while on public Wi-Fi. Ensure that you only do this once you are using a private or encrypted network. 

Disable Auto-Connect 

Don’t allow your device to connect automatically to networks. Cybersecurity experts from IT consulting firms, Canada, recommend VPNs. This is especially true when one is accessing public Wi-Fi. 

IT consulting Firms Ask Do You Know How to Spot a Phishing Scam

IT consulting Firms Ask Do You Know How to Spot a Phishing Scam

How to Spot Phishing Scams 

Phishing scams are schemes that aim to gather your personal, financial, or business information. Oftentimes, getting all these details are the goals of cyber criminals. Therefore, it is important that you and your team know some key indicators of a possible phishing scam. 

Check the Sender 

Emails are the most common way that these scams penetrate. Make sure that you trust the sender before clicking on any link or responding to the email. Carefully examine the email address or the email signature. Be cautious of even the smallest error that may look like a typographic error. Scammers usually copy email addresses and email signatures and simply change a letter or two to make it their own. 

Avoid Suspicious Links 

Do not just click on links, attachments or even photos. Roll your mouse cursor over link text to see where such links go. You can also copy links and paste them in the browser first so you can check their legitimacy before going to the site it leads you to. 

Don’t Rush 

Fraudsters tend to hurry you up. They pressure you to make hasty decisions as part of their social engineering techniques. Respectable businesses do not do that. 

Backups Are Essential 

Data backup is important as it enables you to revive your system in case of a breach or break in the system. This may be because of hacking, cases of civil unrest or natural disasters.  

Protect Against Ransomware 

Ransomware encrypts your files as you store them for added protection. Having a good backup system allows you to decrypt them when you need to access them again. 

Recover Deleted Files 

Backups also help you recover the data that has been deleted by mistake. 

Follow the 3-2-1 Rule 

Always keep three copies of your data. One should be on the site while. Whereas the other two should be on other devices. Get in touch with your trusted IT consulting firms, Canada, to set this up for you. 

Review Privacy Settings Regularly 

Privacy settings define content that can be posted on the internet. Make sure you revisit this regularly to ensure that access is granted only to those sites that are legitimate.  

Check Regularly 

In the assessment, settings must be reviewed periodically. IT consulting firms, Canada, recommends doing this at least once every 3 months. Make sure that security aspects are reviewed thoroughly. 

Close Unused Accounts 

Having a lot of accounts, especially the old and dormant ones, can be problematic. This is because threat actors may use this vulnerability to infiltrate your system and network. Delete those you don’t use to decrease possible entry points of a breach. 

Limit Sharing 

The less you share, the less the probability that hackers can get the details.  

Stay Ahead with Strong Cyber Hygiene 

Practicing good cyber hygiene maintains cybersecurity status in 2025 and shields you from cyber threats. Get in touch with us here at EB Solution. We can customize cybersecurity protocols that would work best with your business needs and goals. Schedule a consultation today and let us get started in strengthening your cybersecurity posture.

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