Imagine you are a manager at a company. And you use multiple apps and tools to run your business. You have apps for communication, collaboration, project management, accounting, marketing, sales, customer service, and more. You also have apps for your personal use, such as social media, entertainment, fitness, and banking.
You love apps. They make your life easier and more efficient. They help you connect with your team and your customers. They help you achieve your goals and grow your business.
But there is a downside to having so many apps. You feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications available and the amount of time and energy required to manage them. You have an app fatigue!
App fatigue is the feeling of being stressed and exhausted by the constant use of apps. App fatigue can affect your productivity, performance, and satisfaction at work. But more importantly, it can also expose your company to serious cybersecurity threats that can compromise your data, systems, and reputation.
How? Let’s find out.
Because app fatigue can have dire consequences for your company’s cybersecurity. According to a study by ESG, 44 percent of alerts go uninvestigated due to app fatigue. This means that potential cyberattacks may go unnoticed and unaddressed, leaving your company vulnerable to data breaches, identity theft, ransomware attacks, malware infections, and compliance violations. Leading to reputational damage, and financial losses. Another report by CCS Insight found that companies with over 1,000 employees maintain about 70 security products from 35 different vendors. This creates a complex and fragmented security landscape that can be hard to manage and monitor effectively.
IT negatively affects their behavior and attitude toward cybersecurity. Think about it, when you are bombarded with notifications, alerts, updates, and requests from various apps, it is easy to become complacent, careless, or even frustrated. You may ignore important updates that contain security patches for known vulnerabilities. You may reuse weak passwords across multiple apps or share them with others. You may turn off alerts that warn you of suspicious activities or malicious links, or download apps from untrusted sources without checking their legitimacy. You may even get so tired that you fall for the infamous “Nigerian prince” or “Chinese domain” email scams!
Ok, you get how serious this is. So, how do you reduce app fatigue and improve your company’s cybersecurity?
App fatigue is not just a minor annoyance or inconvenience, it is a real and growing problem for many companies. App fatigue can affect your productivity, performance, and satisfaction at work. But more importantly, it can also expose your company to serious cybersecurity threats that can compromise your data, systems, and reputation.
However, by following these steps, you can optimize your app usage and security strategy and protect your company from cyberattacks.
If you want to learn more about app fatigue and how to deal with it, we invite you to schedule a call with one of our experts.
We can help you assess your app inventory and security needs and provide you with customized solutions that suit your business goals and budget. Contact us today and let us help you overcome app fatigue.