In 2020, at least 75% of companies around the world were targeted by a phishing attack. Phishing attacks remain one of…

When it comes to efficiency and flexibility there is no better system than VoIP. However, just like any other IT system,…

Everyone agrees that cybersecurity is important, but even those who take their security seriously often overlook printer security. And the reality…

Microsoft 365 is one of the best collaboration/productivity tools that the market has to offer. It provides users with great scalability,…

There are some things that you simply cannot control like: natural disasters, outages, fire in a server room, or even a…

Online reputation can make or break your chances of landing and retaining clients. That’s why reputation management is critical for your…

Here at EB Solution, we believe that increasing productivity in your business is not only about upgrading your equipment and hiring…

Setting up a robust IT compliance policy in your business is more important now than ever. How EB Solution creating, managing…

Why Track? As businesses move to working remotely and managers are no longer able observe their teams anymore, it is important…

The advanced encryption standard was created in 2000 by Daemen and Rijmen as part of a competition organized by NIST.

EB Solution provides cyber security training for large and emerging companies in Toronto. Schedule your training today.

Ransomware attacks are steadily increasing in Toronto. EB Solution breaks down why and what your business can do to stop it.

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