Research says that over 90 percent of cyber security attacks starts with an email. Despite this however, almost all businesses still…

Malware attacks are one of the less favorable topics associated with digital technology. Despite this, however, it is of utmost importance…

Microsoft Edge has more features than meets the eye. While it may not be as groundbreaking as AI or robotics, it…

Technology is advancing at a spectacular pace. In business, getting ahead in the competition means you must also be able to…

The advancement in AI technology has opened new doors of possibility across industries. While most would like to take advantage of…

Smart homes have come from being a dream home to Millennial Sci-Fi geeks to becoming mainstream. This is largely because more…

IoT or Internet of Things is the term that refers to smart devices, appliances and machines that are connected to the…

Kaspersky recently reported that there is a 700% increase in the number of infections from data-stealing Malware. The rapid increase in…

Most contemporary businesses have transitioned to cloud computing for their data storage needs, driven by the numerous advantages it offers. Cloud…

Cloud servers are a convenient, scalable, and relatively cheap solution. In the last decade, we’ve seen an uptick in smaller and…

Dear EB Solution Community, We are thrilled to announce that EB Solution has been honored with the prestigious “Best IT Services…

Have you ever tried to buy tickets for a huge event but couldn’t finish the transaction with all the site crashes…

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